A downloadable game

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You are a High Frontier crew: 4 astronauts in a 40 tonne crew module, equipped with on board chemical rockets and prospecting gear for in situ resource utilization (ISRU) recovery of water from ice frozen in the regolith on high hydration sites like Mars and Ceres. Water is the key to unlocking the solar system: it can be used as rocket propellant and fuel, as well as supporting industrialization on extraterrestrial sites to build new technologies which cannot be constructed on Earth.

The best sites have already been claimed by the first wave of explorers, and you will travel through a solar system in the midst of rapid change as the high frontier becomes colonized. Your crew will be supported by a mission control back on Earth, which acts as a common pool of recruits to replace lost or stranded astronauts, as well as provide remote finance, research and engineering assistance. The 60 Years In Space role-playing game is as much about the evolution of your Mission Control as it is your crew: you will be responsible for defining how you react to the changing social and technological milieu of the 21st century, as well as the frictions experienced by returning to a Mission Control which may no longer recognize or support you following your decades of isolation in space.

While this is happening, you and the rest of the crew are aging and atrophying, drifting away from the Earth-side. You must push beyond the outer limits of known space, holding onto or letting go of your humanity to survive.

The 60 Years In Space is the officially licensed TTRPG of the High Frontier board game.

What you can get:

  • Sixty Years In - Core rules - 385 pages. The first 118 pages can be downloaded for free.
  • This Space Intentionally - Missions, encounters and colonies in the Upported and Colonization eras and beyond - 332 pages. Includes Mission, Site, Colony, Encounter and Spacecraft designers. The Infrastructure chapter can be downloaded for free.
  • A Facility with Words - Technologies, societies and species from the Exoglobalization era and beyond - 368 pages. Includes Advanced Map, Ecosystem, Species and Robot designers.
  • All Errors are My Own - Mission control and social trends and factions for all eras on Earth and beyond - 615 pages
  • A Lot of Zeroes - Journeys from the edges of our solar system in the Mission era and beyond - 202 pages. Includes Star and Solar System, World, Life, Megastructure and Virch designers.

Sixty Years in Space has the highly coveted Atomic Rockets Seal of Approval. You can read more about it here.

Half-A Press
StatusIn development
CategoryPhysical game
Release date Feb 25, 2023
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsGM-Less, Procedural Generation, Sci-fi, Space, Space Sim, Tabletop, Tabletop role-playing game
Average sessionA few hours
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

60 Years In.pdf 22 MB
This Space Intentionally.pdf 14 MB
if you pay $20 USD or more
A Facility with Words.pdf 17 MB
if you pay $30 USD or more
All Errors are My Own.pdf 8.4 MB
if you pay $40 USD or more
A Lot of Zeroes.pdf 15 MB
if you pay $50 USD or more

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Chapter 6 Infrastructure.pdf 1.6 MB
60 Years In Excerpt.pdf 13 MB
A Facility with Words Contents Page.pdf 275 kB
A Lot of Zeroes Contents Page.pdf 239 kB
All Errors are My Own Contents Page.pdf 488 kB
This Space Intentionally Contents Page.pdf 278 kB
Crew Module Certification.pdf 5.5 MB
High Quality Crew Certification.pdf 5.5 MB
Low Quality Crew Certification.pdf 5.6 MB
Medium Quality Crew Certification.pdf 5.5 MB

Development log